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Attraction Marketing Secrets To Build An Online MLM

So what the heck is Attraction Marketing?

If you’re new to network marketing you are probably clueless on to what it isexactly. So your here to get the attraction marketing definition and see if itis a better way to build a network marketing business.

So where did it come from and what is all the hype about?

Let’s dive in on your crash course on “attraction marketing”

The Attraction Marketing Revolution

Way back in 2012 after being in my business for over a year with no success and broken dreams I resorted to what most people in MLM do. I went to Google to research on how I could build my business via the internet. What I did not know is that a blog targeting my company would spark a change in my network marketing career forever. It was a link to a capture page talking about how to generate leads for your business online. I didn’t know what attraction marketing was and really didn’t care. All I cared about was relieving the pain of not making any money in my network marketing business since I had joined over a year ago. The concepts that “Eduard Reformina” shared in his blog spoke and made sense to me. In this attraction marketing blog I realized I was doing what 97% of other in MLM was doing that wasn’t working. I was focused on pitching my opportunity versus branding myself. When I went out into public I was focused on pitching the next person I ran into, and you know how that turned out. I would pitch my family, friends, and even friends of my friends. It got downright embarrassing. “Eduard Reformina” in his blog post and online course taught me how to become a problem solver versus just another distributor. It doesn’t really matter how great your company or your products are. It’s about how you are perceived and what value you bring to others. I like to think of it as value driven marketing. Instead of pitching my opportunity, I give value and solutions to people in our industry. Attraction marketing is doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. People are looking for leaders who have stepped up and taken on the leadership role.

Don’t you feel attracted to certain mentors that you have followed over the years?


Because you perceive them as someone of value and someone who can help you. That is attraction marketing!

Eduard Reformina’s Simple Attraction Marketing Formula

Eduard had gone down the same path as many do in MLM, a path of failure after failure.Through his struggle he had found a skill that he was particularly good at, copywriting. He found that he could sell with words which is a highly sought after skill. He had bought every course on network marketing and mastered it. This is what leads me to how to succeed with attraction marketing. Find something you’re really good at when it comes to your business.

Are you good at writing?

Are you good at marketing and generating leads?

Are you an expert in health and fitness or your particular field?

Then promote it!

Eduard did the same thing, he mastered and was an expert in internet/online marketing and it had made him millions. When it came to copywriting, Eduard Reformina is the expert. Attraction marketing doesn’t just have to be in network marketing, you can use it in any area.Now in regards to network marketing you can brand yourself as expert in a certain area.I’ve become quite good at blogging and article marketing, so I give value and tips to people on how they can also build a business through blogging. Aren’t you tired of doing things that aren’t working? Wouldn’t you like to make money in your business regardless if anyone joins your business? When you implement attraction marketing strategies in your business you can start earning multiple streams of income because your income is not just based on the size of your downline. Eduard Reformina also started a revolution on how to get paid in network marketing. He knew that 97% of people make less than $100 a month in their business and found a way to get paid even if no one ever joined his business. And it’s the truth. I struggled for a year and earned less than $100.After I learned about attraction marketing through Magnetic Sponsoring and implemented it, I made my business stand up again and build fast. It helps me a lot. I knew that this was a better way of building my business. A mentor of mine told me to focus on building a business and not just a downline. I have done that with attraction marketing and now it’s your turn.

Till next time!

Your Business Partner to Success,

Jeyrom Billan


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