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5 Simple Ways To Promote Your New Blog And Get More Traffic

If you’re planning to design and build a new blog site for your MLM or Network Marketing Business, be sure you are ready. It requires more time, effort and of course some money to start and support your project. When your first time to do that, I think it’s a little bit harder on your part to come up with the right topic you are going to post. Choosing and writing the right blog posts and articles are the most crucial parts of blogging. You need to use your mind for the first time as your great ally…think hard for great ideas, make some research, create a daily plan, and prepare the tools and materials you’re going to use like internet, computer and find a comfortable place in your home to work. It’s not that easy when first time but blogging is the most fun and exciting part of your business.

How much is the cost of a new blog site?

Is it really expensive to start a blog?

What are the common things I must consider to come up with well-written blog posts?

Is it really effective in a business?

How can I promote my new blog?

How can I drive more visitors to my site and generate more income?

I’m sure those are the questions flashing on your mind right now. Don’t worry because I understand your situation. What you feel is exactly the same with what I feel when my first time to design, build and promote my own blog site.

Building a new blog site is affordable. It’s not expensive. You can buy your own domain (Ex. at low cost and there are websites/companies offering free site building and hosting (Ex. If you’re a first timer, I advise you to start with your blog as free like what I did and slowly study paid strategy as you progress.

Blogging is the most effective and easy way to reaching out unlimited number of qualified and targeted clients for your business. The beginning phase of a new blog is the most fun, isn’t it? You’ve come up with a great idea. You’ve done your research, and you are confident that your new blog idea is going to rock. There’s a market, there are people spending money in that market, and you’ve found your niche. The possibilities are endless; the sky is the limit.

There is infinite appeal to the research phase of creating a new blog. Because as long as you’re laying the groundwork, as long as you’re researching and “finding your niche”, everything exists in a vacuum. But as soon as you launch this sucker, it’s going to get messy.

It’s like the old Chinese saying: “as long as you’re planning a journey, you own the journey. The minute you embark on that journey, the journey owns you.”

Plan it well, my dear friend! But don’t forget that in order to succeed, you have to get out there and work on it. And that’s what this post is about.

The Importance Of Doing It All

Some of us are great at creating ideas. Some of us are great at executing. Some of us are great at design. Some of us are great writers, and some of us are more business-minded. If your ambition is to make your blog a success from a business perspective, it’s important to know that you’re going to have to wear all these hats at one time or another.

I tell you this because while I’m giving you a list of “5 Simple Ways To Promote Your New Blog And Get More Traffic”, I know that most of you bloggers out there will do some of them…or most of them. But most of you will not do all of them. Reason being, you will find some of them fun and others plain drudgery. Still, I encourage you to do them all. Success comes out of hiding when you’re willing to do the things that others are NOT willing to do. The extra work is always what makes the difference.

Where Your Success Has Been Hiding

We can complain about how success has eluded us, but of course complaining accomplishes nothing. It is simply a matter of digging it up, but to do so we simply have to be willing to roll our sleeves up and get our hands dirty. Basically what I’m saying is that if you want to make a lot of money from your blog, you’re going to have to work hard at it.

After three years in PLDT corporate marketing business, almost two years of doing MLM business and a couple of months of internet/online network marketing, I can tell you one thing for sure. If you do the work, the results will come. I promise you. They may not come as quickly as you want, and there will be bumps in the road, and these are the reasons most of us fail. Not because we do not have what it takes. We just quit too soon, and it really is a shameful thing.

Getting Started On The Right Foot

Here’s the deal: start off with an idea of what you want to achieve. Don’t go into your blogging endeavor blind, hoping to be “successful”. Because what the heck does that mean? Perhaps you want to simply share your ideas with the world. Perhaps you want 1,000 unique visitors every month to feel you’ve accomplished that. Perhaps you prefer to concentrate on income, and your main concern is making 1 million pesos next year or next two years. All right, this is doable. The point is to be specific.

I want to tell you with as much conviction as I can muster, that you CAN and WILL achieve your blogging goals if you’re willing to do the work to make them happen. Success in this or any field is not a mystical process. It is a predictable and manageable thing that happens as a result of doing what needs to be done over a period of time.

I cannot tell you you’ll make a millions of pesos within 18 months or give you any specific time frames. It doesn’t work like that. What I can tell you unequivocally, without a doubt is that if you do the work that needs to be done on a daily basis over time, you will be amazed and delighted with your success, and you will see how un-magical it is. Perhaps money doesn’t grow on trees, but it is out there for the picking.

If you do these things right from the beginning, you will start receiving some traffic and it will start to increase over time. I’m suggesting you to follow these methods, and if you do, you will see some results. However, don’t wait for a miracle to happen and be prepared to wait at least 2-3 months for decent traffic flow. Be consistent and committed. As what I’ve said, success does not come out in an overnight.

I’m so excited about the opportunities that blogging presents us as business owners, and I hope that you will follow these methods and let me know how it goes.

1. Create good content/well-written blog posts

This should be your number one task from the beginning. Write compelling and interesting blog posts. In case you are having writer’s block or just don’t know what to write about, then I suggest you to check my post about Tips on How to Add Non-Original Content to Your MLM Blog to guide you.

Furthermore, make sure your blog posts consist the following:

* Information that other people (your blog readers) may not be aware of. It’s even better when it’s valuable and up-to-date.

* Help or actual advice that helps your readers to succeed in something particular (for example: I’m writing this post in order to help you to get more traffic to your blog).

* If possible, add images & videos – people love to browse with their eyes.

* Bullet points and well-organized paragraphs are all parts of a good blog post as well as outgoing links to different authority sites/blogs that give out even more information on this specific topic.

* In addition, you can share your own stories or news that might engage your readers from the very beginning.

Once you have at least 4-5 compelling blog posts or articles you might start considering promoting your blog. If your blog is unfinished and you don’t have much content to read then people will just think “OK, it seems like this blog is in-process and there’s not much to read. Perhaps I should come back later.”

Conclusion: Content is the king. You might drive thousands of people to your blog, but if there’s not anything to read, they will leave & most likely never return.

2. Ask a small favor from your close friends

Pick 5-10 friends or more and send them a short and personal message to ask for a share. You can send this through Facebook as well, but I personally think that e-mail is way more personal. (The script for doing this is listed below.)

Another option is choosing people who are interested in the same topic that you cover. For example I’m covering blogging and how to get started, so I targeted people who already have blogs but who have friends that may want to start one.

And here’s the script I exactly use:

Hi [Name of your friend],

I launched my new blog called [Title of your blog post] couple of months ago where I cover [Your Topic or Industry]. I’m asking for a small favor to share the blog on your Facebook and Twitter feed. It won’t take much time and may be useful to your friends who are interested in blogging.

You can use the script below: “My friend [Your Name] has started a new blog where he covers [Title of your blog post]. He publishes great content and useful tips. Feel free to have a look:”

I appreciate your share very highly!

Conclusion: Using e-mail to let others know about your new blog is a great way to gather feedback as well as new visitors.

3. Make a public announcement on your social media accounts that you’ve started blogging

Most people are present on different social media platforms, such as; Facebook, Google+, Twitter and others. Check where you have the biggest number and most active followers and make a public announcement that you’ve started a blog that covers [TOPIC]. Write your industry/niche there and add a link to your blog. The first readers are usually your friends, family and acquaintances. They are easy to catch online.

Here’s the script I exactly use on social media announcement:

Hi guys,

For the past couple of months I’ve been writing and managing various blogs in [Your Industry]. The experience has been amazing and I’ve meet a lot of new people and gotten cool feedback on emails and likes on my posts.

Today I’m launching my new project called [Title of your post] where I teach people [Your tips]. It will cover the [Your topic]. My goal for this is to find readers and give value to people.

Please feel free to check it out, leave constructive feedback and share it with your friends. I appreciate it very highly.

P.S: Right after I published this on Google+ and Facebook account, I started to receive feedback through email which was excellent!

Conclusion: The first few readers are probably your friends. Make sure you let them know about your blog so they could give you feedback for improvements.

4. Start participating in forums and blogs that are similar to yours

Another great way to start receiving traffic from different sources is becoming active in all sorts of discussions that are relevant to your blog.

Here’s what you should do:

1) Become an active member on 2-3 forums that have a lot of members. Start sharing your opinion on different boards/threads and don’t forget to add your blog link in your signature. I used this strategy a month back; every single day I made approximately 10-20 views and 3-5 threads/replies on different forums and I received 10-20 visitors per day from it. Not bad for a beginner.

2) Become an active reader on blogs that are similar to yours. For example, if your blog is about fashion, then it’s also wise to leave comments to other blogs that already have some sort of audience. In that way you literally “steal” readers from different blogs. However, make sure you don’t “spam”, instead you should leave meaningful comments that actually attract others to read your own blog.

Conclusion: Getting into discussions is not time consuming, but very efficient way to drive qualified and targeted visitors to your blog. Don’t miss that opportunity.

5. Establish relationships, get links, and optimize your blog on Google or Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Another way to get traffic to your blog is by making your site Google friendly or optimizing for different search engines. Search Engine Optimization cost money for paid strategy but it is not expensive. Some websites/companies offer price at low cost. For free strategy, Google, Bing and Yahoo offer free indexing tools for your new blog site to be optimized and included to their list of websites. In that way you can get traffic from Google, as well as from Bing and Yahoo. In a nut shell, in order to get better rankings, they all want you to have:

1. Good title/content

2. Links to your site from other blogs/resources

3. Social media shares/likes

In order to get links, you need to share your content. If people like it, they will most likely share it on their blogs and websites. In case they don’t FIND your content by themselves, you have to build relationships and use e-mail outreaching.

For more information about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I suggest you to read these articles:

Conclusion: Optimizing your new blog content for different search engines is definitely a great way to drive organic traffic to your blog. Of course, that means you have to learn the basics (which all covered in the links above).

P.S: If you need more help or guidance, feel free to leave a comment below. In case you have your own strategies to drive traffic to your blog, don’t be shy to share :-)

Thank you for your valuable time stopping by. Hope you got new ideas.

Your business partner to success,

Jeyrom Billan

Internet/Online Network Marketer and Blogger


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